AI-92 Gasoline
Fuel for carburetor and injector engines, for making paraffin, for cleaning clothes (dissolves fats), as a flammable substance, and as a solvent are all uses for gasoline AI-92. The more completely the flammable mixture is generated as gasoline evaporates, the easier it is for an engine to start, the less fuel vapor will condense in the cylinders, and the less oil will be diluted as a result.
Additionally, distinguish between winter and summer fuel in properties. Autumn through winter sees the provision of winter fuel for northern locations. The most widely used gasoline in Russia is Summer Gasoline AI-92, which is used throughout the country. Unleaded brand Regular-92 motor fuel complies with GOST P 51105-97 Russian national standard and “Requirements to vehicle and aviation gasoline, diesel and ship fuel, jet engine fuel, and furnace boiler oil.” By the motor approach, the octane number must be at least 83.3; by the research method, it must be at least 92.5. With delivery by car and rail,SGS Petroleum LLC provides wholesale gasoline Regular AI-92 that complies with GOST P 51105-97, the Russian national standard.
AI-95 Gasoline
Unleaded automobile gasoline Premium Euro AI-95, octane number not less than: by the motor method is 85.3, by the research method is 95.3. Gasoline AI-95 is a colorless flammable liquid. This gasoline is received by various processes from associated gas and from heavy oil fractions. If you compare it with gasoline AI-92, then gasoline AI-95 has improved characteristics. Gasoline AI-95 belongs to the “Extra” class, and it has minimum number of additives. Generally, the brand “Extra” is used for foreign cars, as they are more exacting to quality of the applied fuel.

SGS Petroleum LLC has been taking precautions to lower greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants while also making every effort to protect the climate. We are dedicated to effective wastewater treatment and sustainable water use. Our environmental strategy encourages wise water use, however we do not operate in water-scarce areas. We manage waste by sorting and treating recyclable material, protecting and reclaiming land, and managing it.

The activities of SGS Petroleum LLC include a significant portion of social policy and charity. The Company kept a close eye on initiatives in 2019 that supported culture, preserved and revived Russian national values and spiritual legacy, promoted and integrated Russian art into the global cultural landscape, and advanced mass and high-performance sports. SGS Petroleum LLC undertakes projects to raise living standards and maintain the unique cultural identity of Russian citizens and enters into agreements with local governments within the Company’s geographic footprint.

The activities of SGS Petroleum LLC include a significant portion of social policy and charity. The Company kept a close eye on initiatives in 2019 that supported culture, preserved and revived Russian national values and spiritual legacy, promoted and integrated Russian art into the global cultural landscape, and advanced mass and high-performance sports. SGS Petroleum LLC undertakes projects to raise living standards and maintain the unique cultural identity of Russian citizens and enters into agreements with local governments within the Company’s geographic footprint.